
The team at Fast-Exec have worked in the Fastener Industry for over 30 years. Contact us now to find out how we can help you hire professionals with the Fastener industry Skills, Attributes and Experience you need; instead of just the ones you can get.

Recruitment & Interview training

According to a recent study 46% of new Hires fail within 18 months and only 19% will go on to be an unequivocal success. We can show your management team how to successfully interview and onboard new hires.

Fastener VIP

Fastener VIP is a new service being launched by Fast-Exec LLC in the fall of 2021. It will provide Fastener professionals with a portal to anonymously showcase their Fastener Industry Skills, Attributes & Experiences to hiring managers throughout the Fastener Industry.

For further information on how Fast-Exec LLC can help you hire candidates with the Fastener Industry skills, attributes and experience you need please contact us at:
